This table provides a list of components for each business. This information needs a data entry page. The components are placed together in the specified order to form a displayable page. Each component specifies an include file and/or text which forms part of the final content.
An business component is accessed using its associated operaror code and sequence number.
Source romber_business_components_tbl.sql
create table romber_page.business_components ( business_id romber_base.business_id not null, page_component_include romber_base.generic_include not null, page_component_type_id romber_page.component_type_id not null );
Source romber_business_components_pk.sql
alter table romber_page.business_components add constraint romber_business_components_pk primary key ( business_id, page_component_type_id );
Source romber_business_components_fk1.sql
alter table romber_page.business_components add constraint romber_business_components_fk1 foreign key ( business_id ) references romber_base.businesses ( business_id );
Source romber_business_components_fk2.sql
alter table romber_page.business_components add constraint romber_business_components_fk2 foreign key ( page_component_type_id ) references romber_page.component_types ( page_component_type_id );