This table provides a list of valid mailpoint types. This information is fairly static and requires its own data entry page.
Source romber_mailpoint_types_tbl.sql
create table romber_location.mailpoint_types ( mailpoint_type_code romber_base.generic_code not null, mailpoint_type_id romber_location.location_id not null, mailpoint_type_name romber_base.generic_name not null );
Source romber_mailpoint_types_pk.sql
alter table romber_location.mailpoint_types add constraint romber_mailpoint_types_pk primary key ( mailpoint_type_id );
Source romber_mailpoint_types_uk1.sql
alter table romber_location.mailpoint_types add constraint romber_mailpoint_types_uk1 unique ( mailpoint_type_code );
Source romber_mailpoint_types_fk1.sql
alter table romber_location.mailpoint_types add constraint romber_mailpoint_types_fk1 foreign key ( mailpoint_type_id ) references romber_location.locations ( location_id );