This table provides a list of valid member relationship profile options. This information is dynamic and should have a data entry page.
Source romber_profile_options_tbl.sql
create table romber_member.profile_options ( approve_or_not boolean not null, encoded_value varchar(511) not null, member_relationship_type_id romber_member.relationship_type_id not null, meta_property_type_id romber_meta.property_type_id not null, missing_value varchar(511) not null, profile_option_code romber_base.generic_code not null, profile_option_description varchar(511) not null, profile_option_id romber_member.profile_option_id not null default nextval ( 'romber_base.generic_id_seq' ), profile_option_message varchar(511) not null, profile_option_name romber_base.generic_name not null, profile_option_prompt varchar(511) not null, profile_option_required smallint not null check ( profile_option_required in ( 0, 1, 2 )), profile_option_sense smallint not null check ( profile_option_sense in ( -1, 0, 1 )), request_or_not boolean not null );
Source romber_profile_options_pk.sql
alter table romber_member.profile_options add constraint romber_profile_options_pk primary key ( profile_option_id );
Source romber_profile_options_uk1.sql
alter table romber_member.profile_options add constraint romber_profile_options_uk1 unique ( member_relationship_type_id, profile_option_code );
Source romber_profile_options_fk1.sql
alter table romber_member.profile_options add constraint romber_profile_options_fk1 foreign key ( member_relationship_type_id ) references romber_member.relationship_types ( member_relationship_type_id );
Source romber_profile_options_fk2.sql
alter table romber_member.profile_options add constraint romber_profile_options_fk2 foreign key ( meta_property_type_id ) references romber_meta.property_types ( meta_property_type_id );